How to Delete RR Email Instead of Archiving It on iOS 11 in 2024

Managing emails efficiently on your iOS device is essential for keeping your inbox organized and clutter-free. For users of Roadrunner (RR) email accounts, knowing how to delete emails instead of archiving them can streamline your email management process. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up your iOS 11 device to delete RR emails directly, ensuring you maintain a tidy inbox and easily manage your email communications.

Understanding Archiving vs. Deleting in iOS Mail

Before diving into the steps, it's crucial to understand the difference between archiving and deleting emails in iOS Mail:

        • Archiving: Archiving an email removes it from your inbox but retains it in an archived folder, usually labeled "All Mail" or "Archive." Archived emails can be retrieved later if needed but are out of immediate view in your inbox

        • Deleting: Deleting an email permanently removes it from your inbox and moves it to the trash folder. Deleted emails stay in the trash folder temporarily before being permanently erased.

Steps to Delete RR Email Instead of Archiving It on iOS 11

Follow these steps to configure your iOS 11 device to delete RR emails directly:

Step 1: Access Mail Settings

Open Settings: Tap on the Settings icon on your iOS device's home screen.

Scroll Down and Tap on Mail: In the Settings menu, scroll down and tap on "Mail" to access email settings

Step 2: Choose Your Email Accoun

        1. Select Your RR Email Account: Tap on your Roadrunner email account from the list of accounts configured on your device.

Step 3: Configure Account Settings

        1. Tap on Account: Under your RR email account settings, tap on the email account name to access specific account settings

Step 4: djust Mailbox Behaviors

        1. Tap on Mailbox Behaviors: Locate and tap on "Mailbox Behaviors" or a similar option depending on the iOS version.

Step 5: Adjust Archive Messages

        1. Disable Archive Messages: Look for the option labeled "Archive Messages" and ensure it is turned off. This setting prevents emails from being archived when you swipe to delete them.

Step 6: Save Change

        1. Save Settings: After adjusting the settings, tap "Done" or "Save" to apply the changes and return to the main account settings scree

Additional Tips for Managing RR Email on iOS 11

Customize Swipe Options

        • Swipe Options: Customize swipe gestures in the Mail app settings to delete emails directly with a swipe gesture. This customization allows you to manage emails quickly without opening each message individually.

Use the Trash Folde

        • Empty Trash Regularly: Periodically empty the trash folder in your RR email account to permanently delete deleted emails and free up storage space.

Manage Storage

        • Monitor Storage Usage: Keep an eye on storage usage within the Mail app settings to ensure emails, including deleted ones, do not consume excessive device storage.

Enable Notifications

        • Email Notifications: Customize email notifications to stay informed about new emails without cluttering your inbox unnecessarily.

Utilize Filters and Rules

        • Email Filters: Set up email filters or rules within the Mail app to automatically categorize or delete incoming emails based on sender, subject, or content criteria.

Benefits of Deleting RR Email Instead of Archiving It

        • Saves Storage Space: Deleting emails outright frees up storage space on your iOS device and within your RR email account.

        • Reduces Clutter: Maintains a cleaner inbox by removing unnecessary emails rather than storing them in an archive folder.

        • Enhances Organization: Facilitates easier email management by focusing on relevant, actionable emails and reducing the need to sift through archived messages


By following these steps and tips, you can effectively configure your iOS 11 device to delete RR emails instead of archiving them, optimizing your email management experience. This approach ensures that your inbox remains organized, clutter-free, and responsive to your communication needs. Whether you're managing personal correspondence or business emails, mastering these settings allows you to maintain control over your RR email account's content and storage usage efficiently. Stay updated with the latest iOS features and email management best practices to continue optimizing your digital communication experience in 2024 and beyond.














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